Thursday, November 12, 2015

Bible Studies for Women

Women in Sumbawanga (TZ) Mennonite Church discussing
Women of the Bible
On our initial visits to various Mennonite churches, we heard a deep desire among women to have materials that would be written with them in mind. When asked what it was they needed, we soon had a list of the top social and spiritual challenges found in Christian families today. Among these were: problems in marriage, the training and teaching of children, living with an unbelieving husband, infertility, single parenting, adultery, inadequate money, and maintaining faith in desperate times. As I (Gloria) thought about an appropriate way to address these issues from a Biblical perspective, I decided to look at women of the Bible who were examples of faith in the face of these particular issues and developed a basic course called Women of the Bible.

Women gathering for a meeting in Turugeta, Tarime (TZ)
We have observed that in most churches, the majority of believers and regular attenders are women, probably at least two thirds to three fourths of the congregation. In one diocese of Kenya Mennonite Church we were told that at least 50% of lay church leaders are women. However, only one woman has been ordained as a pastor in Kenya Mennonite Church and there are no ordained women in Tanzania Mennonite Church. Women are used in the worship service for prayer, teaching, offerings, occasional preaching and as deaconesses (visitation, encouragement, etc.).
Women in worship in Kayunga, Uganda

As a partial response to this need, I developed a course, Women in the Work of God, giving a history of the participation of women in God’s work throughout the Old and New Testament and challenging the church and women to respond to the task of the Kingdom of God today. The church leaders also are including this issue on their agenda as they rewrite the church constitution. We are encouraged by inclusion of women in recent pastors’ seminars, and pastors are increasingly seeing their wives as important partners in their leadership.

In the past several months, we have begun introducing these courses to women in the congregations where we have been. We are excited to see the enthusiasm in women and other leaders that have been blessed in using the materials. The studies have raised awareness of their call to be and to make disciples. Another course, on Marriage and the Family is partially prepared and ready for translation. Continue to pray for the work of the Holy Spirit to bring fruit from these efforts.

Thanks for your prayers for the church and for the women as they develop their gifts and their vision.

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