Sunday, October 27, 2013

One Year Later

We now have completed one year, and although we have spent at least 6 months of that time in activities other than what we had originally planned, we have felt God’s direction and blessing throughout this year. We are thankful for God’s grace to accept and bring us through this time.
We continue to enjoy good health and safety in all our travels. We are aware of God’s protection in so many ways. We have been blessed with many new friends and co-workers who encourage us in our work and have truly enriched our lives.
We have seen signs of commitment to mission and outreach among leadership of the churches that will present opportunities for growth. But we are also concerned about some aspects of church life and the need for a new touch of the Spirit of God to bring repentance, confession and commitment to discipleship.
The Bible College will be experiencing changes and developing vision under the leadership of Pastor John Wambura. The current semester has been postponed due to lack of funds and the present plan is for the college to reopen in January, but churches will need to get behind the college with financial support in order for that to happen.
We are leaving for 4 weeks of vacation and travel to the states in November, hoping to reconnect especially with family and friends. Pray for our safety in travels throughout the month.
Pray for our return to our scheduled training program once we return in December. We are scheduling about 9-10 Training of Trainers sessions from January to April. Pray that God will prepare these leaders for his work among them. 

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