Saturday, June 18, 2016

Leaving what lies behind; Pressing forward to what lies ahead; Toward the Prize

During this transition of closing out our work here in East Africa, we are tempted to look back and wonder, "Have we accomplished the task? Have we done our best? Have we been faithful to Christ's call on our lives?"And although we can obviously see that we certainly didn't finish the great task of training leaders, or that we could have done it differently or more effectively, we have tried to be faithful to the leading of the Spirit throughout these four years. We readily admit we have only started to give tools, to plant seeds, to cast vision of the harvest.
Joe leading the weekly class of leaders
of Morogoro Mennonite Church
We have tried to challenge our leaders in the Mennonite churches of Tanzania and Kenya to the task of Teaching, Making Disciples, and Going Out to the ends of the earth. A primary goal we had was to provide affordable study materials from an Anabaptist perspective and to train local leaders to use those materials. We have also felt the need of, and put some effort into, discipling leaders into a deeper relationship with Christ and then living out of that relationship. We hear many local pastors express concern about the condition of the church, and sense that it (and other churches) is at a crossroad of change and new direction. We only pray for the leaders to be sensitive and obedient to the Spirit's guidance and leading. We are confident that the work of God's kingdom in East Africa will continue as faithful people are called and enabled by the Holy Spirit.

Gloria meeting with the women leaders in Morogoro.
We presented certificates to the leaders
who attended the weekly classes in Morogoro.
So we leave behind what has been, and move toward what God has for us in the next chapter of our lives, as we move into something called retirement.  It is not without uncertainty that we enter this phase! Transition of living conditions, community, and meaningful involvement all loom over us like a big question mark. But we are also aware of God’s protection and provision as we have traveled many miles and met with many leaders over the past 4 years. We trust God's continued leading and blessing as we again step out in faith, keeping our eyes on the goal for the prize of our heavenly call in Christ Jesus. Our goal has been the same all along – to live worthy of our spiritual inheritance and to give God glory. And we trust God for strength to continue “running the race” in whatever way and wherever God has called.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Joe and Gloria. Joyce and Jeff Combs are trying to retire and would like to get together with the two of you. 315-921-7714 or
